McQueen Lab |
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Quantum Materials Research Group |
200. T.R. Reeder, P. Titum, J. Kindervater, V.J. Stewart, Q. Ye, J.A. Rodriguez-Rivera, Y. Qiu, N. Maliszewskyj, T.M. McQueen, C.L. Broholm
Time evolution of a pumped molecular magnet - A time-resolved inelastic neutron scattering study
PNAS 122, e2415300121 (2025) [Full PDF]
199. N. Mitra, T.M. McQueen, R. Valpe, M. Daly, V. Desai, N.P. Armitage
Chemical changes in terrestrial lunar simulants exposed to gamma radiation simulating lunar ionizing radiation environment
Planetary and Space Science 255, 106031 (2025) [Full PDF]
198. E. Zoghlin, J. Plo, G. Ye, C. Nnokwe, R. Gomez, H. Ubukata, S.K. Kushwaha, R. He, S.D. Wilson, P. Valvin, B. Gil, G. Cassabois, J.H. Edgar, T.M. McQueen
Growth of hexagonal BN crystals by traveling-solvent floating zone
arXiv:2412.17195 (2024) [arXiv:2412.17195]
197. S. Bernier, D.E. Freedman, E.J. Opila, T.J. Pearson, W.A. Phelan, M.A. Siegler, M. Sinha, P.V. Sushko, T.M. McQueen
Symmetry-mediated quantum coherence of W5+ spins in an oxygen-deficient double perovskite
arXiv:2412.13278 (2024) [arXiv:2412.13278]
196. D.C. Beaudry, M.J. Waters, G.M. Valentino, D.L. Foley, E. Anber, Y. Rakita, C.J. Brandenburg, J.P. Couzinie, L. Perriere, T. Aoki, K.E. Knipling, P.G. Callahan, B.W.Y. Redemann, T.M. McQueen, E.J. Opila, J.M. Rondinelli, M. Taheri
Exceptional hardness in multiprincipal element alloys via hierarchical oxygen heterogeneities
Science Advances 10, ado9697 (2024) [Full PDF]
195. T. Berry, J.M. Moya, D. Smiadak, S.B. Lee, S. Aharon, A. Zevalkink, T.M. McQueen, L. Schoop
Bonding Interactions Can Drive Topological Phase Transitions in a Zintl Antiferromagnetic Insulator
Adv. Funct. Mater., 2415610 (2024) [Full PDF, arXiv:2409.00455]
194. G. Bassen, B. Wilfong, W. Bunstine, N. Edmiston, M.A. Siegler, T.M. McQueen
Tolerance Factor Approach for the Design of Quaternary Materials as Applied to the A2Ln4Cu2nQ7+n Homologous Series
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 146, 25190-9 (2024) [Full PDF]
193. P. Orban, S. Bernier, T. Berry, M.A. Siegler, T.M. McQueen
Random-exchange Heisenberg behavior in the electron-doped quasi-one-dimensional spin-1 chain compound AgVP2S6
Phys. Rev. B 110, 054423 (2024) [Full PDF]
192. W.H. Blades, D. Sur, H. Joress, B. DeCost, E.F. Holcombe, B.W.Y. Redemann, T.M. McQueen, R. Berlia, J. Rajagopalan, M. Taheri, J.R. Scully, K. Sieradzki
High-throughput aqueous passivation behavior of thin-film vs. bulk multi-principal element alloys in sulfuric acid
Corrosion Science 236, 112261 (2024) [Full PDF]
191. A.M. Ferrenti, N. Drichko, T.M. McQueen
SiO2-mediated facile hydrothermal synthesis of spiroffite-type Co2Te3O8
arXiv:2407.18477 (2024) [arXiv:2407.18477]
190. D. Niedzielski, B.D. Faeth, B.H. Goodge, M. Sinha, T.M. McQueen, L.F. Kourkoutis, T.A. Arias
Unmasking charge transfer in the Misfits: ARPES and ab initio prediction of electronic structure in layered incommensurate systems without artificial strain
arXiv:2407.05465 (2024) [arXiv:2407.05465]
189. J. Abraham, B.D. Clader, R. Osiander, C. Gutgsell, D. Todorovski, S. Sperling, J.E. Epstein, T.M. Sweeney, E.A. Pogue, T.M. McQueen
Silicon carbide magnetometer and associated material formation methods
United States Patent, 11,993,864 (May 28, 2024) [Full PDF]
188. N. Ng, M.A. Siegler, S. Bernier, W. Bunstine, T.M. McQueen
Disordered layers and dimerization in the crystal structure of TaOCl2
J. Sol. St. Chem. 337, 124771 (2024) [Full PDF]
187. R. Bhandia, D. Barbalas, R. Xiao, J.R. Chamorro, T. Berry, T.M. McQueen, N. Samarth, N.P. Armitage
Anomalous electronic energy relaxaton and soft phonons in the Dirac semimetal Cd3As2
Phys. Rev. B 110, 075131 (2024) [Full PDF, arXiv:2405.03002]
186. T.J. Whoriskey, G. Bassen, B. Wilfong, J.B. Johnson, D.C. Naiman, A. Turkiewicz, G.A. Pan, D.F. Segedin, E.A. Pogue, J.A. Mundy, T.M. McQueen
Amalgams as Hydrogen-Free Reducing Agents for Topotactic Oxide Deintercalation
Chem. Mater. 36, 4583-4590 (2024) [Full PDF]
185. A. Iwanicki, B. Wilfong, E. Zoghlin, W. Bunstine, M.A. Siegler, T.M. McQueen
Hydroflux-Controlled Growth of Magnetic K-Cu-Te-O(H) Phases
Phys. Rev. Mater. 8, 114423 (2024) [Full PDF, arXiv:2403.18726]
184. S. Islam, E. Steinebronn, K. Yang, B. Neupane, J.R. Chamorro, S. Ghosh, K.A. Mikhoyan, T.M. McQueen, Y. Wang, C. Liu, N. Samarth
Rashba spin splitting-induced topological Hall effect in a Dirac semimetal-ferromagnetic semiconductor heterostructure
arXiv:2403.18485 (2024) [arXiv:2403.18485]
183. S. Safari, W. Bateman-Hemphill, A. Mitra, F. Desrochers, E.Z. Zhang, L. Shafeek, A.M. Ferrenti, T.M. McQueen, A. Shekhter, Z. Kollo, Y.B. Kim, B.J. Ramshaw, K.A. Modic
Quantum Fluctuations Suppress the Critical Fields in BaCo2(AsO4)2
arXiv:2403.15315 (2024) [arXiv:2403.15315]
182. W.H. Blades, B.W.Y. Redemann, N. Smith, D. Sur, M.S. Barbieri, Y. Xie, S. Lech, E. Anber, M. Taheri, C. Wolverton, T.M. McQueen, J.R. Scully, K. Sieradzki
Tuning chemical short-range order for stainless behavior at reduced chromium concentrations in multi-principal element alloys
arXiv:2403.00086 (2024) [arXiv:2403.00086]
181. K. Gornicka, X. Gui, J.R. Chamorro, T.M. McQueen, R.J. Cava, T. Klimczuk, M.J. Winiarski
Superconductivity-Electron Count Relationship in Heusler Phases-the Case of LiPd2Si
Chem. Mater. 36, 1870-1879 (2024) [Full PDF]
180. M.J. Pekala, E.A. Pogue, K. McElroy, A. New, G. Bassen, B. Wilfong, J. Domenico, T.M. McQueen, C.D. Stiles
Evaluating AI-guided Design for Scientific Discovery
NeurIPS 2023 Workshop AI4Mat (2023) [Full PDF]
179. C. Ramette, L.A. Pressley, M. Avdeev, M. Lee, S.K. Kushwaha, M. Krogstad, S. Sarker, P. Cardon, J. Ruff, M. Khan, K. Kataoka, T.M. McQueen, H. Ji
Floating zone crystal growth, structure, and properties of a cubic Li5.5La3Nb1.5Zr0.5O12 garnet-type lithium-ion conductor
J. Mater. Chem. A 11, 21754-66 (2023) [Full PDF]
178. V.C. Morano, J. Gaudet, N. Varnava, T. Berry, T. Halloran, C. Lygouras, X.P. Wang, C. Hoffmann, G. Xu, J.W. Lynn, T.M. McQueen, D. Vanderbilt, C.L. Broholm
Non-collinear 2k antiferromagnetism in the Zintl semiconductor Eu5In2Sb6
Phys. Rev. B 109, 014432 (2024) [Full PDF, arXiv:2311.00622]
177. L.A. Pressley, M. Sinha, M.A. Siegler, N. Edmiston, S. Bernier, A.M. Ferrenti, S. Das, R. Ramesh, S.K. Kushwaha, T.M. McQueen
Tunable W5+ Absorbance in Laser Floating Zone Grown Bismuth Tungstate
J. Phys. Chem. C 127, 19386-95 (2023) [Full PDF]
176. L.A. Pressley, H.K. Vivanco, T. Berry, M.A. Siegler, T.M. McQueen
Transition metal (dis)order in single crystal multicomponent rare-earth perovskites
J. Cryst. Growth 617, 127262 (2023) [Full PDF]
175. C. Lygouras, J. Zhang, J. Gautreau, M. Pula, S. Sharma, S. Gao, T. Berry, T. Halloran, P. Orban, G. Grissonnanche, J.R. Chamorro, K. Mikuri, D.L. Bhoi, M.A. Siegler, K.J.T. Livi, Y. Uwatoko, S. Nakatsuji, B.J. Ramshaw, Y. Li, G.M. Luke, C.L. Broholm, T.M. McQueen
Fragile superconductivity in a Dirac metal
arXiv:2307.01976 (2023) [arXiv:2307.01976]
174. A. Mitra, R. Xiao, W. Yanez, Y. Ou, J.R. Chamorro, T.M. McQueen, A.J. Grutter, J.A. Borchers, M.R. Fitzsimmons, T.R. Charlton, N. Samarth
Constraints on proximity-induced ferromagnetism in a Dirac Semimetal (Cd3As2)/ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga1-xMnxSb) heterostructure
Phys. Rev. Mater. 7, 094201 (2023) [Full PDF, arXiv:2306.01167]
173. Y. Tarn, M. Sinha, C.M. Pasco, T.M. McQueen, K.M. Shen, B.D. Faeth
An algorithm for subtraction of doublet emission lines in angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
J. Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 265, 147323 (2023) [Full PDF, arXiv:2303.07531]
172. C.A. Mizzi, S.K. Kushwaha, P.F.S. Rosa, W.A. Phelan, D.C. Arellano, L.A. Pressley, T.M. McQueen, M.K. Chan, N. Harrison
The reverse quantum limit and its implications for unconventional quantum oscillations in YbB12
Nat. Comm. 15, 1607 (2024) [Full PDF, arXiv:2303.04214]
171. T. Berry, V.C. Morano, T. Halloran, X. Zhang, T.J. Slade, A. Sapkota, S.L. Budko, W. Xie, D. Ryan, Z. Xu, Y. Zhao, J.W. Lynn, T. Fennell, P.C. Canfield, C.L. Broholm, T.M. McQueen
Formation of a simple cubic antiferromagnet through charge ordering in a double Dirac material
arXiv:2303.02218 (2023) [arXiv:2303.02218]
170. R. Xiao, S. Islam, W. Yanez, Y. Ou, H. Liu, X. Xie, J.R. Chamorro, T.M. McQueen, N. Samarth
Influence of magnetic and electric fields on universal conductance fluctuations in thin films of the Dirac semi-metal Cd3As2
Nano Lett. 23, 5634-40 (2023) [Full PDF, arXiv:2302.11959]
169. C. Koppel, B. Wilfong, A. Iwanicki, E. Hedrick, T. Berry, T.M. McQueen
Machine-guided Design of Oxidation Resistant Superconductors for Quantum Information Applications
Inorganics 11, 117 (2023) [Full PDF, arXiv:2301.11543, Public Data and Code]
168. A. Gupta, A. Weiser, L.H. Greene, L.A. Pressley, Y. Luo, C. Lygouras, J. Trowbridge, W.A. Phelan, C.L. Broholm, T.M. McQueen, W.K. Park
Topological surface states in the Kondo insulator YbB12 revealed via planar tunneling spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. B 107, 165132 (2023) [Full PDF, arXiv:2301.03642]
167. E.A. Pogue, A. New, K. McElroy, N.Q. Le, M.J. Pekala, I. McCue, E. Gienger, J. Domenico, E. Hedrick, T.M. McQueen, B. Wilfong, C.D. Piatko, C.R. Ratto, A. Lennon, C Chung, T. Montalbano, G. Bassen, C.D. Stiles
Closed-loop superconducting materials discovery
npj Computational Materials 9, 181 (2023) [Full PDF, arXiv:2212.11855]
166. L.A. Pressley, D. Edey, R. Hanna, S. Chae, J.T. Heron, M. Khan, T.M. McQueen
Informing quantum materials discovery and synthesis using X-ray micro-computed tomography
npj Quant. Mater. 7, 121 (2022) [Full PDF]
165. A.M. Ferrenti, M.A. Siegler, S. Ghosh, H.K. Vivanco, N. Kintop, C. Lygouras, M.-s Song, S. Klemenz, C.L. Broholm, N. Drichko, T.M. McQueen
Chemical tuning of a honeycomb magnet through a critical point
Phys. Rev. B 108, 064433 (2023) [Full PDF, arXiv:2210.14439]
164. N. Ng, T.M. McQueen
Misfit layered compounds: Unique, tunable heterostructured materials with untapped properties
APL Mater. 10, 100901 (2022) [Invited Article] [Full PDF]
163. T. Berry, N. Ng, T.M. McQueen
Tools and Tricks for Single Crystal Growth
Chem. Mater. 36, 4929-4944 (2024) [Full PDF, arXiv:2209.09370]
162. T. Berry, N. Varnava, D. Ryan, V.J. Stewart, R. Rasta, I. Heinmaa, N. Kumar, W. Schnelle, R. Bhandia, C.M. Pasco, N.P. Armitage, R. Stern, C. Felser, D. Vanderbilt, T.M. McQueen
Magnetic phase crossover in strongly correlated EuMn2P2
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2c11324 (2022) [Full PDF, arXiv:2209.0170]
161. S. Chae, L.A. Pressley, H. Paik, J. Gim, D. Werder, B.H. Goodge, L.F. Kourkoutis, R. Hovden, T.M. McQueen, E. Kioupakis, J.T. Heron
Germanium dioxide: A new rutile substrate for epitaxial film growth
J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A 40, 050401 (2022) [Full PDF]
160. L.A. Pressley, M. Sinha, H.K. Vivanco, J.R. Chamorro, S. Das, R. Ramesh, T.M. McQueen
Optimization of PbTiO3 Single Crystals with Flux and Laser Floating Zone Method
Cryst. Grow. Des. 22, 5629-38 (2022) [Full PDF]
159. A.M. Ferrenti, V. Meschke, S. Ghosh, J. Davis, N. Drichko, E.S. Toberer, T.M. McQueen
Hydrothermal synthesis of ordered corkite, PbFe3(PO4)(SO4)(OH)6, a S = 5/2 kagome antiferromagnet
J. Sol. St. Chem. 317, 123620 (2023) [Full PDF, arXiv:2208.04209]
158. T. Berry, M. Nicklas, Q. Yang, W. Schnelle, R. Wawrzynczak, T. Foerster, J. Gooth, C. Felser, T.M. McQueen
Bonding and Electronic Nature of the Anionic Framework in LaPd3S4
Chem. Mater. 34, 10390-10398 (2022) [Full PDF, arXiv:2207.03387]
157. K. Ishida, C. Tassel, D. Kato, H. Ubukata, K. Murayama, T. Murakami, M. Yashima, Y. Higo, Y. Tange, W.A. Phelan, T.M. McQueen, H. Kageyama
Highly Electron-Doped TaON Single-Crystal Growth by a High-Pressure Flux Method
Inorg. Chem. 61, 11118-11123 (2022) [Full PDF]
156. R. Xiao, J. Zhang, J.R. Chamorro, J. Kim, T.M. McQueen, D. Vanderbilt, M. Kayyalha, Y. Li, N. Samarth
Integer quantum Hall effect and enhanced g-factor in quantum confined Cd3As2 films
Phys. Rev. B 106, L201101 (2022) [Full PDF, arXiv:2207.09018]
155. A. de la Torre, B. Zager, J.R. Chamorro, M.H. Upton, G. Fabbris, D. Haskel, D. Casa, T.M. McQueen, K.W. Plumb
Electronic Ground State of Two Non-Magnetic Pentavalent Honeycomb Iridates
Phys. Rev. Mater. 6, 084406 (2022) [Full PDF, arXiv:2206.11310]
154. B. Zager, J.R. Chamorro, L. Ge, V. Bisogni, J. Pelliciari, J. Li, G. Fabbris, T.M. McQueen, M. Mourigal, K.W. Plumb
Electronic structure of the frustrated diamond lattice magnet NiRh2O4
Phys. Rev. B 106, 045134 (2022) [Full PDF, arXiv:2205.12296]
153. A.M. Ferrenti, M.A. Siegler, S. Gao, N. Ng, T.M. McQueen
ScSI: A New Exfoliatable Semiconductor
Chem. Mater. 34, 5443-5451 (2022) [Invited Article] [Full PDF]
[Associated Data]
152. M. Quinn, T.M. McQueen
Identifying New Classes of High Temperature Superconductors With Convolutional Neural Networks
Frontiers in Electronic Materials 2, 893797 (2022) [Full PDF]
[Public Data and Code]
151. J.R. Neilson, A.M. Fry-Petit, N. Drichko, M.B. Stone, A. Llobet, M. Balasubramanian, M.R. Suchomel, T.M. McQueen
Dynamical Bond Formation in KNi2Se2
ZAAC, e202200042 (2022) [Invited Article] [Full PDF, arXiv:1310.6828]
150. T. Berry, V.J. Stewart, B.W.Y. Redemann, C. Lygouras, N. Varnava, D. Vanderbilt, T.M. McQueen
A-type antiferromagnetic order in the Zintl-phase insulator EuZn2P2
Phys. Rev. B 106, 054420 (2022) [Full PDF, arXiv:2203.12739]
149. N. Varnava, T. Berry, T.M. McQueen, D. Vanderbilt
Engineering magnetic topological insulators in Eu5M2X6 Zintls
Phys. Rev. B 105, 235128 (2022) [Full PDF, arXiv:2203.06212]
148. J.R. Chamorro, P. Chauhan, C. Sun, N. Varnava, M.J. Winiarski, N. Ng, H.K. Vivanco, L.A. Pressley, C.M. Pasco, D. Vanderbilt, Y. Li, N.P. Armitage, T.M. McQueen
Anomalous Residual Surface Conductivity in a Superconductor with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling
arXiv:2112.10840 (2021) [arXiv:2112.10840]
147. T. Berry, A.M. Fry-Petit, M. Sinha, Q. Zhang, G. Auffermann, T.M. McQueen, S.P. Rudin, W.A. Phelan
The Role of Phonons and Oxygen Vacancies in Non-Cubic SrVO3
Inorg. Chem. 61, 3007-17 (2022) [Full PDF]
146. E.A. Pogue, J. Bond, C. Imperato, J. Abraham, N. Drichko, T.M. McQueen
A Gold(I) Oxide Double Perovskite: Ba2AuIO6
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 143, 19033-42 (2021) [Full PDF]
145. T. Berry, S. Bernier, G. Auffermann, T.M. McQueen, W.A. Phelan
Laser floating zone growth of SrVO3 single crystals
J. Cryst. Growth 583, 1265128 (2022) [Full PDF, arXiv:2108.07093]
144. T. Berry, S.R. Parkin, T.M. McQueen
Antiferro- and Meta-magnetism in the S=7/2 Hollandite Analog EuGa2Sb2
Phys. Rev. Mater. 5, 114401 (2021) [Full PDF, arXiv:2108.05961]
143. T. Berry, J.R. Morey, K.E. Arpino, J.-H. Dou, C. Felser, M. Dinca, T.M. McQueen
Structural, Thermodynamic, and Transport Properties of the Small-Gap Two-Dimensional Organic Kagome Metal Materials Cu3(hexaiminobenzene)2 and Ni3(hexaiminobenzene)2
Inorg. Chem. 61, 6480-7 (2021) [Full PDF, arXiv:2107.00130]
[DIFFaX Patches]
142. A. de la Torre, B. Zager, F. Bahrami, M. DiScala, J.R. Chamorro, M.H. Upton, G. Fabbris, D. Haskel, D. Casa, F. Tafti, K.W. Plumb, T.M. McQueen
Enhanced hybridization in the electronic ground state of the intercalated honeycomb iridate Ag3LiIr2O6
Phys. Rev. B 104, L100416 (2021) [Full PDF, arXiv:2106.05309]
141. W.K. Park, J.A. Sittler, L.H. Greene, W.T. Fuhrman, J.R. Chamorro, S.M. Koohpayeh, W.A. Phelan, T.M. McQueen
Topological nature of the Kondo insulator SmB6 and its sensitiveness to Sm vacancy
Phys. Rev. B 103, 155125 (2021) [Full PDF, arXiv:2104.07178]
140. V.J. Stewart, J.R. Chamorro, T.M. McQueen
Integer vs. half-integer spin on an approximate honeycomb lattice
Phys. Rev. Mater. 5, 094401 (2021) [Full PDF, arXiv:2103.16684]
139. Heng Wu, Y. Wang, P.K. Sivakumar, C.M. Pasco, U. Filippozzi, S.S.P. Parkin, Y.-J. Zeng, T.M. McQueen, M.N. Ali
The field-free Josephson diode in a van der Waals heterostructure
Nature 604, 653-656 (2022) [Full PDF, arXiv:2103.15809, Nat. Rev. Mater. Highlight]
138. W. Yanez, Y. Ou, R. Xiao, J. Koo, J.T. Held, S. Ghosh, J. Rable, T. Pillsbury, E.G. Delgado, K. Yang, J.R. Chamorro, A.J. Grutter, P. Quarterman, A. Richardella, A. Sengupta, T.M. McQueen, J.A. Borchers, K.A. Mikhoyan, B. Yan, N. Samarth
Spin and charge interconversion in Dirac semimetal thin films
Phys. Rev. Applied 16, 054031 (2021) [Full PDF, arXiv:2103.00653]
137. M. Sinha, H.K. Vivanco, C. Wan, M.A. Siegler, V.J. Stewart, L.A. Pressley, T. Berry, Z. Wang, I. Johnson, M. Chen, T.T. Tran, W.A. Phelan, T.M. McQueen
Twisting of 2D Kagome Sheets in Layered Intermetallics
ACS Central Science 7, 1381-90 (2021) [Full PDF, arXiv:2102.03522]
136. Z. Hasan, E. Zoghlin, M.J. Winiarski, K.E. Arpino, T. Halloran, T.T. Tran, T.M. McQueen
Quasi-one-dimensional exchange interactions and short-range magnetic correlations in CuTeO4
Phys. Rev. B 109, 195168 (2024) [Full PDF, arXiv:2012.06696]
135. Y. Wang, S.-Y. Yang, P.K. Sivakumar, B.R. Ortiz, S.M.L. Teicher, Heng Wu, A.K. Srivastava, C. Garg, D. Liu, S.S.P. Parkin, E.S. Toberer, T.M. McQueen, S.D. Wilson, M.N. Ali
Proximity-induced spin-triplet superconductivity and edge supercurrent in the topological Kagome metal K1-xV3Sb5
Science Advances 9, eadg7269 (2023) [Full PDF, arXiv:2012.05898]
134. L.A. Pressley, A. Torrejon, W.A. Phelan, T.M. McQueen
Discovery and Single Crystal Growth of High Entropy Pyrochlores
Inorg. Chem. 59, 17251-8 (2020) [Full PDF]
133. Y.S. Eo, A. Rakoski, S. Sinha, D. Mihaliov, W.T. Fuhrman, S.R. Saha, P.F.S. Rosa, Z. Fisk, M.C. Hatnean, G. Balakrishnan, Y.S. Eo, J.R. Chamorro, S.M. Koohpayeh, T.M. McQueen, B. Kang, M.-s Song, B. Cho, M.S. Fuhrer, J. Paglione, C. Kurdak
Bulk transport paths through defects in floating zone and Al flux grown SmB6
Phys. Rev. Mater. 5, 055001 (2021) [Full PDF, arXiv:2011.08923]
132. J. Abraham, C. Gutgsell, D. Todorovski, S. Sperling, J.E. Epstein, B.S. Tien-Street, T.M. Sweeney, J.J. Wathen, E.A. Pogue, P.G. Brereton, T.M. McQueen, W. Frey, B.D. Clader, R. Osiander
nanoTesla magnetometry with the silicon vacancy in silicon carbide
Physical Review Applied 15, 064022 (2021) [Full PDF, arXiv:2011.01137]
131. C.M. Morris, N. Desai, J. Viirok, D. Huvonen, U. Nagel, T. Room, J.W. Krizan, R.J. Cava, T.M. McQueen, S.M. Koohpayeh, R.K. Kaul, N.P. Armitage
Duality and domain wall dynamics in a twisted Kitaev chain
Nature Physics 17, 832-6 (2021) [Full PDF, arXiv:2009.14189]
130. J.R. Chamorro, T.M. McQueen, T.T. Tran
Chemistry of Quantum Spin Liquids
Chem. Rev. 121, 2898-934 (2021) [Full PDF, arXiv:2006.10882]
129. T. Berry, L.A. Pressley, W.A. Phelan, T.T. Tran, T.M. McQueen
Laser Enhanced Single Crystal Growth of Non-Symmorphic Materials: Applications to an Eight-Fold Fermion Candidate
Chem. Mater. 13, 5827-34 (2020) [Full PDF]
128. H.K. Vivanco, B.A. Trump, C.M. Brown, T.M. McQueen
Competing Antiferromagnetic-Ferromagnetic States in d7 Kitaev Honeycomb Magnet
Phys. Rev. B 102, 224411 (2020) [Full PDF, arXiv:2006.03724]
127. Z. Ryzynska, J.R. Chamorro, T.M. McQueen, P. Wisniewski, D. Kaczorowski, W. Xie, R.J. Cava, T. Klimczuk, M.J. Winiarski
RuAl6 - An Enohedral Aluminide Superconductor
Chem. Mater. 32, 3805-3812 (2020) [Full PDF]
126. A. Akopyan, N. Prasai, B.A. Trump, G.G. Marcus, T.M. McQueen, J.L. Cohn
Spin Seebeck effect in Cu2OSeO3: Test of bulk magnon spin current theory
Phys. Rev. B. (Rapid) 101, 100407(R) (2020) [Full PDF]
125. Y. Luo, G.G. Marcus, B.A. Trump, J. Kindervater, M.B. Stone, J.A. Rodriguez-Rivera, Y. Qiu, T.M. McQueen, O. Tchernyshyov, C.L. Broholm
Low-energy magnons in the chiral ferrimagnet Cu2OSeO3: A coarse-grained approach
Phys. Rev. B 101, 144411 (2020) [Full PDF, arXiv:2002.06283]
124. S.-Y. Yang, Y. Wang, B.R. Ortiz, D. Liu, J. Gayles, E. Derunova, R. Gonzalez-Hernandez, L. Smejkal, Y. Chen, S.S.P. Parkin, S.D. Wilson, E.S. Toberer, T.M. McQueen, M.N. Ali
Giant, unconventional anomalous Hall effect in the metallic frustrated magnet candidate, KV3Sb5
Science Advances 6, eabb6003 (2020) [Full PDF, arXiv:1912.12288, Article, HUB Article]
123. M. Sinha, T.J. Pearson, T.R. Reeder, H.K. Vivanco, D.E. Freedman, W.A. Phelan, T.M. McQueen
Introduction of spin centers in single crystals of Ba2CaWO6-d
Phys. Rev. Mater. 3, 125002 (2019) [Full PDF, arXiv:2001.00235]
122. J.R. Chamorro, A. Topp, K. Sklarek, Y. Fang, M.J. Winiarski, C.R. Ast, M. Krivenkov, A. Varykhalov, B.J. Ramshaw, L. Schoop, T.M. McQueen
Dirac Fermions and Possible Weak Antilocalization in LaCuSb2
APL Materials 7, 121108 (2019) [Full PDF, arXiv:2001.00703]
121. J. Yoon, E. Lesne, K. Sklarek, J.P. Sheckelton, C.M. Pasco, S.S.P. Parkin, T.M. McQueen, M.N. Ali
Anomalous thickness-dependent electrical conductivity in van der Waals layered transition metal halide, Nb3Cl8
J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 32, 304004 (2019) [Full PDF, arXiv:1911.05379]
120. B.R. Ortiz, L.C. Gomes, J.R. Morey, M.J. Winiarski, M. Bordelon, J.S. Mangum, I.W.H. Oswald, J.A. Rodriguez-Rivera, J.R. Neilson, S.D. Wilson, E. Ertekin, T.M. McQueen, E.S. Toberer
New kagome prototype materials: discovery of KV3Sb5, RbV3Sb5, and CsV3Sb5
Phys. Rev. Mater. 3, 094407 (2019) [Full PDF]
119. M.J. Winiarski, T.M. McQueen
Stabilization of the pyrochlore phase of Mn2Sb2O7 by double substitution
J. Sol. St. Chem. 278, 120898 (2019) [Full PDF]
118. Z.A. Kelly, T.T. Tran, T.M. McQueen
Nonpolar-to-polar trimerization transitions in the S=1 kagome magnet
Inorg. Chem. 58, 11941-8 (2019) [Invited Forum Article] [Full PDF]
117. C.M. Pasco, I.E. Baggari, E. Bianco, L.F. Kourkoutis, T.M. McQueen
Tunable Magnetic Transition to a Singlet Ground State in a 2D van der Waals Layered Trimerized Kagome Magnet
ACS Nano 13, 9457-63 (2019) [Full PDF, arXiv:1907.10108]
116. T.T. Tran, C.A. Pocs, Y. Zhang, M.J. Winiarski, J. Sun, M. Lee, T.M. McQueen
Spinon excitations in the quasi-one-dimensional S=1/2 chain compound Cs4CuSb2Cl12
Phys. Rev. B 101, 235107 (2020) [Full PDF, arXiv:1907.02847]
115. P.J. Robinson, J. Munarriz, M.E. Valentine, A. Granmoe, N. Drichko, J.R. Chamorro, P.F.S. Rosa, W.T. Fuhrman, T.M. McQueen, A.N. Alexandrova
Dynamical Bonding Driving Mixed Valency in a Metal Boride
Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed. 59, 10996-11002 (2020) [Full PDF, arXiv:1903.10650]
114. M.J. Winiarski, T.T. Tran, J.R. Chamorro, T.M. McQueen
(CsX)Cu5O2(PO4)2 (X = Cl,Br,I) - a family of Cu2+ S = 1/2 compounds with capped-kagome networks composed of OCu4 units
Inorg. Chem 58, 4328-36 (2019) [Full PDF]
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113. N. Prasai, A. Akopyan, B.A. Trump, G.G. Marcus, S.X. Huang, T.M. McQueen, J.L. Cohn
Spin phases of the helimagnetic insulator Cu2OSeO3 probed by magnon heat conduction
Phys. Rev. B 99, 020403(R) (2019) [Full PDF, arXiv:1901.01242]
112. W.A. Phelan, J. Zahn, Z. Kennedy, T.M. McQueen
Pushing Boundaries: High Pressure, Supercritical Optical Floating Zone Materials Discovery
J. Sol. St. Chem. 270, 705-9 (2019) [Invited Article, 50th Anniversary Issue] [Full PDF]
111. H.-C. Lu, J.R. Chamorro, C. Wan, T.M. McQueen
Universal Single-Ion Physics in Spin-Orbit-Coupled d5 and d4 Ions
Inorg. Chem. 57, 14443-9 (2018) [Full PDF]
110. J.R. Chamorro, T.M. McQueen
Progress toward Solid State Synthesis by Design
Acc. Chem. Res. 51, 2918-25 (2018) [Full PDF]
109. Q. Liu, Q. Yao, Z.A. Kelly, C.M. Pasco, T.M. McQueen, S. Lany, A. Zunger
Electron doping of proposed quantum spin liquid kagome Zn-Cu hydroxyl-halides produces localized states in the band gap
Phys. Rev. Lett 121, 186402 (2018) [Full PDF, arXiv:1810.01050]
108. B.A. Trump, S.M. Koohpayeh, K.J.T. Livi, J.-J. Wen, K.E. Arpino, Q.M. Ramasse, R. Brydson, M. Feygenson, H. Takeda, M. Takigawa, K. Kimura, S. Nakatsuji, C.L. Broholm, T.M. McQueen
Universal geometric frustration in pyrochlores
Nat. Commun. 9, 2619 (2018) [Full PDF]
107. T.T. Tran, M.A. Quintero, K.E. Arpino, Z.A. Kelly, J. Panella, X.P. Wang, T.M. McQueen
Chemically controlled crystal growth of (CH3NH3)2AgInBr6
Cryst. Eng. Comm. 20, 5929-5934 (2018) [Full PDF]
106. W.T. Fuhrman, J.C. Leiner, J.W. Freeland, M. van Veenendaal, S.M. Koohpayeh, W.A. Phelan, T.M. McQueen, C.L. Broholm
Magnetic dichroism in the Kondo insulator SmB6
Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comm) 99, 020401(R) (2019) [Full PDF, arXiv:1804.06853]
105. M. Stavinoha, J.A. Cooley, S.G. Minasian, T.M. McQueen, S.M. Kauzlarich, C.-L. Huang, E. Morosan
Charge density wave behavior and order-disorder in the antiferromagnetic metallic series Eu(Ga1-xAlx)4
Phys. Rev. B 97, 195146 (2018) [Full PDF, arXiv:1804.02076]
104. J.R. Morey, A.O. Scheie, J.P. Sheckelton, C.M. Brown, T.M. McQueen
Ni2Mo3O8: Complex antiferromagnetic order on a honeycomb lattice
Phys. Rev. Mater. 3, 014410 (2019) [Full PDF, arXiv:1804.04776]
103. I. Kimchi, J.P. Sheckelton, T.M. McQueen, P.A. Lee
Scaling and data collapse from local moments in frustrated disordered quantum spin systems
Nat. Commun 9, 4367 (2018) [Full PDF, arXiv:1803.00013]
102. C.M. Pasco, B.A. Trump, T.T. Tran, Z.A. Kelly, C. Hoffmann, I. Heinmaa, R. Stern, T.M. McQueen
Single crystal growth of Cu4(OH)6BrF and universal behavior in quantum spin liquid candidates synthetic barlowite and herbertsmithite
Phys. Rev. Mater. 2, 044406 (2018) [Full PDF, arXiv:1801.05769]
101. I. Crassee, E. Martino, C.C. Homes, O. Caha, J. Novak, P. Tueckmantel, M. Hakl, A. Nateprov, E. Arushanov, Q.D. Gibson, R.J. Cava, S.M. Koohpayeh, K.E. Arpino, T.M. McQueen, M. Orlita, Ana Akrap
Non-uniform carrier density in Cd3As2 evidenced by optical spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. B 97, 125204 (2018) [Full PDF, arXiv:1712.03147]
100. M.E. Valentine, S.M. Koohpayeh, W.A. Phelan, T.M. McQueen, P.F.S. Rosa, Z. Fisk, N. Drichko
An effect of Sm vacancies on the hybridization gap in topological Kondo insulator candidate SmB6
Physica B: Condensed Matter 536, 60-63 (2018) [Full PDF, arXiv:1712.01325]
99. P.J. Robinson, G. Liu, S. Ciborowski, C. Martinez-Martinez, J.R. Chamorro, X. Zhang, T.M. McQueen, K.H. Bowen, A.N. Alexandrova
Mystery of Three Borides: Differential Metal-Boron Bonding Governing Superhard Structures
Chem. Mater. 29, 9892-6 (2017) [Full PDF]
98. B.H. Savitzky, I.E. Baggari, C. Clement, E. Waite, J.P. Sheckelton, C.M. Pasco, A.S. Admasu, J. Kim, S.-W. Cheong, T.M. McQueen, R. Hovden, L.F. Kourkoutis
Image registration of low signal-to-noise cryo-STEM data
Ultramicroscopy 191, 56-65 (2018) [Full PDF, arXiv:1710.09281]
97. M-E. Boulanger, F. Laliberté, M. Dion, S. Badoux, N. Doiron-Leyraud, W.A. Phelan, S.M. Koohpayeh, W.T. Fuhrman, J.R. Chamorro, T.M. McQueen, X. Wang, Y. Nakajima, T. Metz, J. Paglione, L. Taillefer
Field-dependent heat transport in the Kondo insulator SmB6: phonons scattered by magnetic impurities
Phys. Rev. B 97, 245141 (2018) [Full PDF, arXiv:1709.10456]
96. N.J. Laurita, C.M. Morris, S.M. Koohpayeh, W.A. Phelan, T.M. McQueen, N.P. Armitage
Impurities or a neutral Fermi surface? A further examination of the low-energy ac optical conductivity of SmB6
Physica B: Condensed Matter 536, 78-84 (2018) [Full PDF, arXiv:1709.0108]
95. D. Colabello, E. Sobalvarro, J.P. Sheckelton, J.C. Neuefeind, T.M. McQueen, P. Khalifah
Observation of vacancies, faults, and superstructures in Ln5Mo2O12 (Ln = La, Y, Lu) compounds with direct Mo-Mo bonding
Inorg. Chem 56, 12866-12880 (2017) [Full PDF]
94. S. Wu, W.A. Phelan, L. Liu, J.R. Morey, J.A. Tutmaher, J.C. Neuefeind, M. Feygenson, A. Huq, D.W. Tam, B.A. Frandsen, B.A. Trump, C. Wan, S.R. Dunsiger, T.M. McQueen, Y.J. Uemura, C.L. Broholm
Incommensurate magnetism near quantum criticality in CeNiAsO
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 197203 (2019) [Full PDF, arXiv:1707.09645]
93. W.T. Fuhrman, J.R. Chamorro, P.A. Alekseev, J.-M. Mignot, T. Keller, P. Nikolic, T.M. McQueen, C.L. Broholm
Screened moments and extrinsic in-gap states in samarium hexaboride
Nat. Commun. 9, 1539 (2018) [Full PDF, arXiv:1707.03834]
92. J. Panella, B.A. Trump, G.G. Marcus, T.M. McQueen
Seeded Chemical Vapor Transport Growth of Cu2OSeO3
Cryst. Growth Des. 17, 4944-8 (2017) [Full PDF, arXiv:1706.02411]
91. T.T. Tran, J. Panella, J.R. Chamorro, J.R. Morey, T.M. McQueen
Designing Indirect-Direct Bandgap Transitions in Double Perovskites
Mater. Horiz. 4, 688-93 (2017) [Full PDF]
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90. N. Prasai, B.A. Trump, G.G. Marcus, A. Akopyan, S.X. Huang, T.M. McQueen, J.L. Cohn
Ballistic magnon heat conduction and possible Poiseuille flow in the helimagnetic insulator Cu2OSeO3
Phys. Rev. B 95, 224407 (2017) [Editor's Suggestion] [Full PDF, arXiv:1705.06328]
89. N.J. Laurita, G.G. Marcus, B.A. Trump, J. Kindervater, M.B. Stone, T.M. McQueen, C.L. Broholm, N.P. Armitage
Low energy magnon dynamics and magneto-optics of the skyrmionic Mott insulator Cu2OSeO3
Phys. Rev. B 95, 235155 (2017) [Editor's Suggestion] [Full PDF, arXiv:1704.04228]
88. J.R. Neilson, T.M. McQueen
Magnetocaloric Materials for Cryogenic Liquification
United States Patent, 9,568,223 (Feb 14, 2017) [Full PDF]
87. P.J. Robinson, X. Zhang, T.M. McQueen, K.H. Bowen, A.N. Alexandrova
SmB6- Cluster Anion: Covalency Involving f-Orbitals
J. Phys. Chem. A 121, 1849-54 (2017) [Full PDF]
86. K.E. Arpino, B.A. Trump, A.O. Scheie, T.M. McQueen, S.M. Koohpayeh
Impact of Stoichiometry of Yb2Ti2O7 on Its Physical Properties
Phys. Rev. B 95, 094407 (2017) [Full PDF, arXiv:1701.08821]
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85. J.R. Chamorro, L. Ge, M. Subramanian, M. Mourigal, T.M. McQueen
Frustrated S = 1 On A Diamond Lattice
Phys. Rev. Materials 2, 034404 (2018) [Editor's Suggestion] [Full PDF, arXiv:1701.06674]
[NiRh2O4_100K.cif, NiRh2O4_160K.cif, NiRh2O4_200K.cif, NiRh2O4_295K.cif, NiRh2O4_360K.cif, NiRh2O4_460K.cif]
84. J.P. Sheckelton, K.W. Plumb, B.A. Trump, C.L. Broholm, T.M. McQueen
Rearrangement of Van-der-Waals Stacking and Formation of a Singlet State at T = 90K in a Cluster Magnet
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 4, 481-90 (2017) [Invited Article] [Full PDF, arXiv:1701.05528]
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83. Z.A. Kelly, M.J. Gallagher, T.M. McQueen
Electron Doping a Kagomé Spin Liquid
Phys. Rev. X 6, 041007 (2016) [Full PDF, Highlighted by Physics]
82. J.-J. Wen, S.M. Koohpayeh, K.A. Ross, B.A. Trump, T.M. McQueen, K. Kimura, S. Nakatsuji, Y. Qiu, D.M. Pajerowski, J.R.D. Copley, C.L. Broholm
A Disordered Route to the Coulomb Quantum Spin Liquid: Random Transverse Fields on Spin Ice in Pr2Zr2O7
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 107206 (2017) [Full PDF, arXiv:1609.08551]
81. J.R. Morey, K.W. Plumb, C.M. Pasco, B.A. Trump, T.M. McQueen, S.M. Koohpayeh
Growth and Characterization of Iron Scandium Sulfide (FeSc2S4)
J. Cryst. Growth 454, 128-33 (2016) [Full PDF, arXiv:1609.01688]
80. N.J. Laurita, C.M. Morris, S.M. Koohpayeh, P.F.S. Rosa, W.A. Phelan, Z. Fisk, T.M. McQueen, N.P. Armitage
Anomalous 3D bulk AC conduction within the Kondo gap of SmB6 single crystals
Phys. Rev. B 94, 165154 (2016) [Full PDF, arXiv:1608.03901]
79. K.W. Plumb, J.R. Morey, J.A. Rodriguez-Rivera, Hui Wu, A.A. Podlesnyak, T.M. McQueen, C.L. Broholm
Antiferromagnetic and Orbital Ordering on a Diamond Lattice Near Quantum Criticality
Phys. Rev. X 6, 041055 (2016) [Full PDF, arXiv:1603.08033]
78. M.B. Sanders, J.W. Krizan, K.W. Plumb, T.M. McQueen, R.J. Cava
NaSrMn2F7, NaCaFe2F7, and NaSrFe2F7: novel single crystal pyrochlore antiferromagnets
J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 29, 045801 (2016) [Full PDF, arXiv:1608.02907]
77. M.E. Valentine, S.M. Koohpayeh, W.A. Phelan, T.M. McQueen, P.F.S. Rosa, Z. Fisk, N. Drichko
Breakdown of the Kondo insulating state in SmB6 by introducing Sm vacancies
Phys. Rev. B 94, 075102 (2016) [Full PDF, arXiv:1601.02694]
76. B.A. Trump, T.M. McQueen
Structure, Properties, and Disorder in the New Distorted-Hollandite PbIr4Se8
J. Sol. St. Chem. 242, 112-9 (2016) [Cover Article] [Full PDF, arXiv:1608.03268]
75. A. McQuilken, H. Matsumura, M. Duerr, A. Confer, J.P. Sheckelton, M.A. Siegler, T.M. McQueen, I. Ivanovic-Burmazovic, P. Moenne-Loccoz, D. Goldberg
Photoinitiated Reactivity of a Thiolate-Ligated, Spin-Crossover Non-heme {FeNO}7 Complex with Dioxygen
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 138, 3107-17 (2016) [Full PDF]
74. P. Cottingham, J.R. Morey, A. Lemire, P. Lemire, T.M. McQueen
Improved instrumentation for intensity-, wavelength-, temperature-, and magnetic field resolved photoconductivity spectroscopy
J. Sol. St. Chem. 242, 199-207 (2016) [Full PDF]
73. J. Panella, J.R. Chamorro, T.M. McQueen
Synthesis and Structure of Three New Oxychalcogenides: A2O2Bi2Se3 (A = Sr, Ba) and Sr2O2Sb2Se3
Chem. Mater. 28, 890-5 (2016) [Full PDF]
[Sr2O2Bi2Se3.cif, Sr2O2Sb2Se3.cif, Ba2O2Bi2Se3.cif]
72. B.A. Trump, J.A. Tutmaher, T.M. McQueen
Anion-Anion Bonding and Topology in Ternary Iridium Seleno-Stannides
Inorg. Chem. 54, 11993-12001 (2015) [Full PDF, arXiv:1601.00603]
[Ir2Sn3Se3.cif, Ir2SnSe5.cif, IrSn0.45Se1.55.cif]
71. W.A. Phelan, S.M. Koohpayeh, P. Cottingham, J.A. Tutmaher, J.C. Leiner, M.D. Lumsden, C.M. Lavelle, X.P. Wang, C. Hoffmann, M.A. Siegler, N. Haldolaarachchige, D. Young, T.M. McQueen
On the Chemistry and Physical Properties of Flux and Floating Zone Grown SmB6 Single Crystals
Sci. Rep. 6, 20860 (2016) [Full PDF, arXiv:1510.07612, HIGHLIGHTED BY DOE-BES]
[154Sm11B6_90K.cif, 154Sm11B6_295K.cif, SmB6_RT.cif, Sm1-x1B6_RT.cif, Sm1-x2B6_RT.cif, Sm1-x3B6_RT.cif]
70. D.C. Wallace, T.M. McQueen
New Honeycomb Iridium (V) Oxides: NaIrO3 and Sr3CaIr2O9
Dalton Transactions 44, 20344-51 (2015) [Inside Cover Article] [Full PDF]
[NaIrO3.cif, Sr3CaIr2O9.cif]
69. A.M. Fry-Petit, A. Rebola, M. Mourigal, M.E. Valentine, N. Drichko, J.P. Sheckelton, C.J. Fennie, T.M. McQueen
Direct Assignment of Molecular Vibrations Via Normal Mode Analysis of the Neutron Dynamic Pair Distribution Function Technique
J. Chem. Phys. 143, 124201 (2015) [Full PDF]
68. T. Liang, S.M. Koohpayeh, J.W. Krizan, T.M. McQueen, R.J. Cava, N.P. Ong
Heat capacity peak at the quantum critical point of the transverse Ising magnet CoNb2O6
Nat. Commun. 6, 7611 (2015) [Full PDF]
67. P. Cottingham, D.C. Wallace, K. Hu, G. Meyer, T.M. McQueen
Thermally-activated recombination in one component of (CH3NH3)PbI3/TiO2 observed by photocurrent spectroscopy
Chem. Comm. 51, 7309-12 (2015) [Full PDF]
66. K.E. Arpino, B.D. Wasser, T.M. McQueen
Superconducting Dome and Crossover to an Insulating State in [Tl4]Tl1-xSnxTe3
APL Mat. 3, 041507 (2015) [Invited Article] [Full PDF, arXiv:1502.05059]
[Tl4SnTe3.cif, Tl4Tl0.1Sn0.9Te3.cif, Tl4Tl0.2Sn0.8Te3.cif, Tl4Tl0.3Sn0.7Te3.cif, Tl4Tl0.4Sn0.6Te3.cif, Tl4Tl0.5Sn0.5Te3.cif, Tl4Tl0.6Sn0.4Te3.cif, Tl4Tl0.7Sn0.3Te3.cif, Tl4Tl0.8Sn0.2Te3.cif, Tl4Tl0.9Sn0.1Te3.cif, Tl4TlTe3.cif]
65. J.R. Neilson, T.M. McQueen
Representational Analysis of Extended Disorder in Atomistic Ensembles Derived from Total Scattering Data
J. Appl. Cryst. 48, 1560-72 (2015) [Full PDF, arXiv:1501.04889]
[Source Code]
64. M. Mourigal, S. Wu, M.B. Stone, J.R. Neilson, J.M. Caron, T.M. McQueen, C.L. Broholm
Block magnetic excitations in the orbitally-selective Mott insulator BaFe2Se3
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 047401 (2015) [Full PDF, arXiv:1411.3337]
63. J.-J. Wen, W. Tian, V.O. Garlea, S.M. Koohpayeh, T.M. McQueen, H.-F. Li, J.-Q. Yan, D. Vaknin, C.L. Broholm
Disorder from Order Among ANNNI Spin Chains in SrHo2O4
Phys. Rev. B 91, 054424 (2015) [Full PDF, arXiv:1407.1341]
62. M.E. Valentine, S.M. Koohpayeh, M. Mourigal, T.M. McQueen, C.L. Broholm, N. Drichko, S. Dutton, R.J. Cava, T. Birol, H. Das, C.J. Fennie
Raman study of magnetic excitations and magneto-elastic coupling in α-SrCr2O4
Phys. Rev. B 91, 144411 (2015) [Full PDF, arXiv:1404.0355]
61. A.M. Fry-Petit, O.T. Sweeney, W.A. Phelan, N. Drichko, M.A. Siegler, T.M. McQueen
Unique edge-sharing sulfate-transition metal coordination in Na2M(SO4)2 (M = Ni and Co)
J. Sol. St. Chem. 222, 129-135 (2015) [Full PDF]
[Na2Co(SO4)2.cif, Na2Ni(SO4)2.cif]
60. W.T. Fuhrman, J.C. Leiner, P. Nikolic, G.E. Granroth, M.B. Stone, M.D. Lumsden, L. DeBeer-Schmitt, P.A. Alekseev, J.-M. Mignot, S.M. Koohpayeh, P. Cottingham, W.A. Phelan, L. Schoop, T.M. McQueen, C.L. Broholm
Interaction driven sub-gap spin-exciton in the Kondo insulator SmB6
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 036401 (2015) [Full PDF, arXiv:1407.2647]
59. J.P. Sheckelton, J.R. Neilson, T.M. McQueen
Electronic tunability of the frustrated triangular-lattice cluster magnet LiZn2-xMo3O8
Materials Horizons 2, 76-80 (2015) [Full PDF]
[LiZn2Mo3O8_XN_300K.cif, LiZn1.975Mo3O8.cif, LiZn1.925Mo3O8.cif, LiZn1.875Mo3O8.cif, LiZn1.95Mo3O8.cif, LiZn1.85Mo3O8.cif, LiZn1.9Mo3O8.cif, LiZn1.8Mo3O8.cif]
58. D.C. Wallace, C.M. Brown, T.M. McQueen
Evolution of Magnetism in the Na3-δ(Na1-xMgx)Ir2O6 Series of Honeycomb Iridates
J. Sol. St. Chem. 224, 28-35 (2015) [Invited Article, 2D Materials] [Full PDF]
[Na2.4MgIr2O6_5K.cif, Na2.4MgIr2O6_100K.cif, Na3Mg0.5Ir2O6_5K.cif, Na3Mg0.5Ir2O6_100K.cif, Na3Mg0.5Ir2O6_295K.cif]
57. T.M. McQueen, P. Cottingham, J.P. Sheckelton, K.E. Arpino
Simplified devices utilizing novel pn-semiconductor structures
United States Patent, 8,860,078 (Oct 14, 2014) [Full PDF]
56. S.M. Koohpayeh, J.-J. Wen, B.A. Trump, C.L. Broholm, T.M. McQueen
Synthesis, floating zone crystal growth and characterization of the Quantum Spin Ice Pr2Zr2O7 pyrochlore
J. Cryst. Growth 402, 291-8 (2014) [Full PDF, arXiv:1407.1806]
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55. W.A. Phelan, S.M. Koohpayeh, P. Cottingham, J.W. Freeland, J.C. Leiner, C.L. Broholm, T.M. McQueen
Correlation between bulk thermodynamic measurements and the low temperature resistance plateau in SmB6
Phys. Rev. X 4, 031012 (2014) [Full PDF, arXiv:1403.1462]
54. A. Talanov, W.A. Phelan, Z.A. Kelly, M.A. Siegler, T.M. McQueen
Control of the Iridium Oxidation State in the Hollandite Iridate Solid Solution K1-xIr4O8
Inorg. Chem. 53, 4500-7 (2014) [Full PDF]
53. T. Morgan-Wall, H.J. Hughes, N. Hartman, T.M. McQueen, N. Markovic
Fabrication of sub-15nm aluminum wires by controlled etching
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 173101 (2014) [Full PDF, arXiv:1402.5838]
52. C.M. Morris, R. Valdes Aguilar, A. Ghosh, S.M. Koohpayeh, J.W. Krizan, R.J. Cava, O. Tchernyshyov, T.M. McQueen, N.P. Armitage
A hierarchy of bound states in the 1D ferromagnetic Ising chain CoNb2O6 investigated by high resolution time-domain terahertz spectroscopy
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 137403 (2014) [Full PDF]
51. J.P. Sheckelton, F.R. Foronda, LiDong Pan, C. Moir, R.D. McDonald, T. Lancaster, P.J. Baker, N.P. Armitage, T. Imai, S.J. Blundell, T.M. McQueen
Local magnetism and spin correlations in the geometrically frustrated cluster magnet LiZn2Mo3O8
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50. P. Cottingham, D.C. Miller, J.P. Sheckelton, J.R. Neilson, M. Feygenson, A. Huq, T.M. McQueen
Dynamic charge disproportionation in the 1D chain material PdTeI
J. Mater. Chem. C 2, 3238-46 (2014) [Invited Article, Emerging Investigators] [Full PDF]
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49. B.A. Trump, K.J.T. Livi, T.M. McQueen
The new misfit compound (BiSe)1.15(TiSe2)2 and the role of dimensionality in the Cux(BiSe)1+d(TiSe2)n series
J. Sol. St. Chem. 209, 6-12 (2014) [Cover Article] [Full PDF]
48. K.E. Arpino, D.C. Wallace, Y.F. Nie, T. Birol, P.D.C. King, S. Chatterjee, M. Uchida, S.M. Koohpayeh, J.-J. Wen, C.J. Fennie, K.M. Shen, T.M. McQueen
Evidence for Topologically Protected Surface States and a Superconducting Phase in [Tl4](Tl1-xSnx)Te3 Using Photoemission, Specific Heat, and Magnetization Measurements, and Density Functional Theory
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 017002 (2014) [Full PDF, arXiv:1303.6350]
47. M. Mourigal, W.T. Fuhrman, J.P. Sheckelton, A. Wartelle, J.A. Rodriguez-Rivera, T.M. McQueen, C.L. Broholm
Molecular Quantum Magnetism in LiZn2Mo3O8
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 027202 (2014) [Full PDF, arXiv:1303.1165]
46. S.M. Koohpayeh, J.-J. Wen, S. Dutton, R.J. Cava, C.L. Broholm, T.M. McQueen
Optical floating zone crystal growth and magnetic properties of MgCr2O4
J. Cryst. Growth 384, 39-43 (2013) [Full PDF]
45. L. Tao, J.R. Neilson, B. Melot, T.M. McQueen, C. Masquelier, G. Rousse
Magnetic Structures of LiMBO3 (M = Mn, Fe, Co) lithiated transition metal borates
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44. W.A. Phelan, D.C. Wallace, K.E. Arpino, J.R. Neilson, K.J.T. Livi, C.R. Seabourne, A.J. Scott, T.M. McQueen
Stacking variants and superconductivity in the Bi-O-S System
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 135, 5372-5374 (2013) [Full PDF]
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43. J.R. Neilson, A. Llobet, J.-J. Wen, M.R. Suchomel, T.M. McQueen
Charge density wave fluctuations, heavy electrons, and superconductivity in KNi2S2
Phys. Rev. B 87, 045124 (2013) [Full PDF, arXiv:1212.4744]
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42. J.R. Neilson, A. Llobet, A.V. Stier, L. Wu, J.-J. Wen, J. Tao, Y. Zhu, Z.B. Tesanovic, N.P. Armitage, T.M. McQueen
Mixed-valence-driven heavy-fermion behavior and superconductivity in KNi2Se2
Phys. Rev. B 86, 054512 (2012) [Full PDF, arXiv:1208.3299]
41. J.P. Sheckelton, J.R. Neilson, D.G. Soltan, T.M. McQueen
Possible Valence-Bond Condensation in the Frustrated Cluster Magnet LiZn2Mo3O8
Nature Materials 11, 493-496 (2012) [Full PDF, arXiv:1303.6986]
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40. J.R. Neilson, T.M. McQueen
Bonding, Ion Mobility, and Rate-Limiting Steps in Deintercalation Reactions with ThCr2Si2-type KNi2Se2
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 134, 7750-7757 (2012) [Full PDF]
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39. J.M. Caron, J.R. Neilson, D.C. Miller, K.E. Arpino, A. Llobet, T.M. McQueen
Orbital Selective Magnetism in the Spin-Ladder Iron Selenides Ba1-xKxFe2Se3
Phys. Rev. B (Rapid) 85, 180405 (2012) [Full PDF, arXiv:1202.3676]
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38. D.E. Freedman, R. Chisnell, T.M. McQueen, Y.S. Lee, C. Payen, D.G. Nocera
Frustrated magnetism in the S=1 kagome lattice BaNi3(OH)2(VO4)2
Chem. Comm. 48, 64-6 (2012) [Full PDF]
37. J.M. Caron, J.R. Neilson, D.C. Miller, A. Llobet, T.M. McQueen
Iron Displacements and Magnetoelastic Coupling in the Antiferromagnetic Spin-Ladder Compound BaFe2Se3
Phys. Rev. B (Rapid) 84, 180409 (2011) [Full PDF, arXiv:1108.2928]
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36. T.M. McQueen, T.H. Han, D.E. Freedman, P.W. Stephens, Y.S. Lee, D.G. Nocera
CdCu3(OH)6Cl2: A New Layered Hydroxide Chloride
J. Sol. St. Chem. 184, 3319-23 (2011) [Full PDF]
35. D.E. Freedman, T.H. Han, A. Prodi, P. Mueller, Q.-Z. Huang, Y.-S. Chen, S.M. Webb, Y.S. Lee, T.M. McQueen, D.G. Nocera
Site Specific X-ray Anomalous Dispersion of the Geometrically Frustrated Kagomé Magnet, Herbertsmithite, ZnCu3(OH)6Cl2
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 16185-90 (2010) [Full PDF, HIGHLIGHTED IN NATURE]
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34. S. Chu, T.M. McQueen, R. Chisnell, D.E. Freedman, P. Müller, Y.S. Lee, D.G. Nocera
A Cu2+ (S = 1/2) Kagomé Antiferromagnet: MgxCu4-x(OH)6Cl2
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 5570-1 (2010) [Full PDF, arXiv:1004.0941]
33. I.D. Posen, T.M. McQueen, A.J. Williams, D.V. West, Q.-Z. Huang, R.J. Cava
Geometric magnetic frustration in the R-type ferrite SrSn2Ga1.3Cr2.7O11 and the spinel-based chromates
Phys. Rev. B 81, 134413 (2010) [Full PDF]
32. V. Ksenofontov, G. Wortmann, A.I. Chumakov, T. Gasi, S. Medvedev, T.M. McQueen, R.J. Cava, C. Felser
Density of phonon states in superconducting FeSe as a function of temperature and pressure
Phys. Rev. B 81, 184510 (2010) [Full PDF, arXiv:1004.2007]
31. D.V. West, I.D. Posen, Q.-Z. Huang, H.W. Zandbergen, T.M. McQueen, R.J. Cava
PbMn(SO4)2: A new chiral antiferromagnet
J. Sol. St. Chem. 182, 2461-2467 (2009) [Full PDF]
30. G.C. Lau, T. Klimczuk, F. Ronning, T.M. McQueen, R.J. Cava
Magnetic properties of the garnet and glass forms of Mn3Al2Si3O12
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29. A.J. Williams, T.M. McQueen, R.J. Cava
The stoichiometry of FeSe
Sol. St. Comm. 149, 1507-1509 (2009) [Full PDF]
28. T.M. McQueen, Q.-Z. Huang, V. Ksenofontov, C. Felser, Q. Xu, H.W. Zandbergen, Y.S. Hor, J. Allred, A.J. Williams, D. Qu, J. Checkelsky, N.P. Ong, R.J. Cava
Extreme sensitivity of superconductivity to stoichiometry in Fe1+δSe
Phys. Rev. B 79, 014522 (2009) [Editor's Suggestion] [Full PDF, arXiv:0811.1613]
27. A.J. Williams, T.M. McQueen, V. Ksenofontov, C. Felser, R.J. Cava
The metal-insulator transition in Fe1.01-xCuxSe
J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 21, 305701 (2009) [Full PDF]
26. S. Medvedev, T.M. McQueen, I.A. Troyan, T. Palasyuk, M.I. Eremets, R.J. Cava, S. Naghavi, F. Casper, V. Ksenofontov, G. Wortmann, C. Felser
Electronic and magnetic phase diagram of β-Fe1.01Se with superconductivity at 36.7 K under pressure
Nature Materials 8, 630-633 (2009) [Full PDF, arXiv:0903.2143]
25. K.L. Holman, T.M. McQueen, A.J. Williams, T. Klimczuk, P.W. Stephens, H.W. Zandbergen, Q. Xu, F. Ronning, R.J. Cava
Insulator to correlated metal transition in V1-xMoxO2
Phys. Rev. B. 79, 245114 (2009) [Full PDF]
24. T.M. McQueen, T. Klimczuk, A.J. Williams, Q.-Z. Huang, R.J. Cava
Stoichiometry, spin fluctuations, and superconductivity in LaNiPO
Phys. Rev. B. 79, 172502 (2009) [Full PDF]
23. T. Imai, K. Ahilan, F.L. Ning, T.M. McQueen, R.J. Cava
Why Does Undoped FeSe Become a High-Tc Superconductor under Pressure?
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22. T.M. McQueen, A.J. Williams, P.W. Stephens, J. Tao, Y. Zhu, V. Ksenofontov, F. Casper, C. Felser, R.J. Cava
Tetragonal-to-Orthorhombic Structural Phase Transition at 90 K in the Superconductor Fe1.01Se
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 057002 (2009) [Full PDF, arXiv:0905.1065]
21. T.M. McQueen, D.M. Ho, C. Jiménez Cahua, R.J. Cava, R.A. Pascal Jr., Z.G. Soos
Realization of the bond order wave (BOW) phase of extended Hubbard models in Rb-TCNQ(II)
Chem. Phys. Lett. 475, 44-48 (2009) [Full PDF]
20. T. Klimczuk, H.W. Zandbergen, Q.-Z. Huang, T.M. McQueen, F. Ronning, B. Kusz, J.D. Thompson, R.J. Cava
Cluster-glass behavior of a highly oxygen deficient perovskite, BaBi0.28Co0.72O2.2
J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 21, 105801 (2009) [Full PDF]
19. T. Klimczuk, T.M. McQueen, A.J. Williams, Q.-Z. Huang, F. Ronning, E.D. Bauer, J.D. Thompson, M.A. Green, R.J. Cava
Superconductivity at 2.2 K in the layered oxypnictide La3Ni4P4O2
Phys. Rev. B. 79, 012505 (2009) [Full PDF]
18. D.M. Liu, M. Yue, J.X. Xhang, T.M. McQueen, J.W. Lynn, X.L. Wang, Y. Chen, J.Y. Li, R.J. Cava, X.B. Liu, Z. Attounian, Q.-Z. Huang
Origin and tuning of the magnetocaloric effect in the magnetic refrigerant Mn1.1Fe0.9(P0.8Ge0.2)
Phys. Rev. B. 79, 014435 (2009) [Full PDF]
17. D.V. West, T.M. McQueen, I.D. Posen, X. Ke, Q.-Z. Huang, H.W. Zandbergen, A.J. Williams, P. Schiffer, R.J. Cava
The A2+Mn5(SO4)6 family of triangular lattice, ferrimagnetic sulfates
J. Sol. St. Chem. 182, 1343-1350 (2009) [Full PDF]
16. D.V. West, Q.-Z. Huang, H.W. Zandbergen, T.M. McQueen, R.J. Cava
Structural disorder, octahedral coordination and two-dimensional ferromagnetism in anhydrous alums
J. Sol. St. Chem. 181, 2768-2775 (2008) [Full PDF]
15. K.E. Wagner, E. Morosan, Y.S. Hor, J. Tao, Y. Zhu, T. Sanders, T.M. McQueen, H.W. Zandbergen, A.J. Williams, D.V. West, R.J. Cava
Tuning the charge density wave and superconductivity in CuxTaS2
Phys. Rev. B. 78, 104520 (2008) [Full PDF]
14. D.V. West, T.M. McQueen, I.D. Posen, X. Ke, Q.-Z. Huang, H.W. Zandbergen, A.J. Williams, P. Schiffer, R.J. Cava
Structural and magnetic properties of pyrochlore solid solutions (Y,Lu)2Ti2-x(Nb,Ta)xO7+/-y
J. Sol. St. Chem. 181, 1753-1758 (2008) [Full PDF]
13. T.M. McQueen, P.W. Stephens, Q.-Z. Huang, T. Klimczuk, F. Ronning, R.J. Cava
Successive Orbital Ordering Transitions in NaVO2
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 166402 (2008) [Full PDF]
12. T.M. McQueen, M. Regulacio, A.J. Williams, Q.-Z. Huang, J.W. Lynn, Y.S. Hor, D.V. West, M.A. Green, R.J. Cava
Intrinsic properties of stoichiometric LaFePO
Phys. Rev. B. 78, 024521 (2008) [Full PDF]
11. T.M. McQueen, D.V. West, B.D. Muegge, Q.-Z. Huang, K. Noble, H.W. Zandbergen, R.J. Cava
Frustrated ferroelectricity in niobate pyrochlores
J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 20, 235210 (2008) [Full PDF]
10. T. Klimczuk, H.O. Lee, F. Ronning, T. Durakiewicz, N. Kurita, H. Volz, E.D. Bauer, T.M. McQueen, R. Movshovich, R.J. Cava, J.D. Thompson
Physical properties of the uranium ternary compounds U3Bi4M3 (M=Ni,Rh)
Phys. Rev. B. 77, 245111 (2008) [Full PDF]
9. J.T. Hertz, Q.-Z. Huang, T.M. McQueen, T. Klimczuk, J.W.G. Bos, L. Viciu, R.J. Cava
Magnetism and structure of LixCoO2 and comparison to NaxCoO2
Phys. Rev. B. 77, 075119 (2008) [Full PDF]
8. M. Vondrova, T.M. McQueen, C.M. Burgess, D.M. Ho, A.B. Bocarsly
Autoreduction of Pd-Co and Pt-Co cyanogels: Exploration of cyanometalate coordination chemistry at elevated temperatures
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 130, 5562-72 (2008) [Full PDF]
7. G.C. Lau, T.M. McQueen, Q.-Z. Huang, H.W. Zandbergen, R.J. Cava
Long- and short-range order in stuffed titanate pyrochlores
J. Sol. St. Chem. 181, 45-50 (2008) [Full PDF]
6. T.M. McQueen, Q. Xu, E.N. Andersen, H.W. Zandbergen, R.J. Cava
Structures of the reduced niobium oxides Nb12O29 and Nb22O54
J. Sol. St. Chem. 180, 2864-2870 (2007) [Full PDF, arXiv:0708.0673]
5. T.M. McQueen, Q.-Z. Huang, J.W. Lynn, R.F. Berger, T. Klimczuk, B.G. Ueland, P. Schiffer, R.J. Cava
Magnetic structure and properties of the S=5/2 triangular antiferromagnet α-NaFeO2
Phys. Rev. B. 76, 024420 (2007) [Full PDF]
4. L. Viciu, Q.-Z. Huang, E. Morosan, H.W. Zandbergen, N.I. Greenbaum, T.M. McQueen, R.J. Cava
Structure and basic magnetic properties of the honeycomb lattice compounds Na2Co2TeO6 and Na3Co2SbO6
J. Sol. St. Chem. 180, 1060-1067 (2007) [Full PDF]
3. G.C. Lau, B.D. Muegge, T.M. McQueen, E.L. Duncan, R.J. Cava
Stuffed rare earth pyrochlore solid solutions
J. Sol. St. Chem. 179, 3126-3135 (2006) [Full PDF]
2. A.R. Johnson, T.M. McQueen, K.T. Rodolfa
Species distribution diagrams in the copper-ammonia system: An updated and expanded demonstration illustrating complex equilibria
J. Chem. Ed. 82, 408-414 (2005) [Full PDF]
1. K.K. Karukstis, S.A. McCormack, T.M. McQueen, K.F. Goto
Fluorescence delineation of the surfactant microstructures in the CTAB-SOS-H2O catanionic system
Langmuir 20, 64-72 (2004) [Full PDF]