McQueen Lab |
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Quantum Materials Research Group |
Course Webpage:
Last Updated: November 29, 2023
We will seek to answer questions including: could you forge Beskar? What would it take to make a light saber? Is "Image, enhance" really possible? What is possible today? What might be possible in the future? And what may never be possible as it violates the laws of nature as we know them? We will take an empiricists approach, gathering data on the needed properties via screenings and related research, and then applying physical principles to reveal (in?)feasibility. The hope is that all of us will learn more about the world and how is works, and the potential for the future -- including the common question of "What is repair?".
One goal of the First-Year Seminars is to provide an introduction to our intellectual community, to begin to inculcate the habit of respectful, rigorous communication and exchange, to facilitate interactions between students and faculty, and to provide an experience that can help build camaraderie among first-year students. The seminars will help develop foundational critical reading, writing, thinking, and logical deduction skills that will help you flourish in college and beyond.
We meet twice a week, and also have screenings of select movies/shows. Before coming to class, you will conduct literature research, and contribute topics to be discussed in class. Our weekly conversations will be driven primarily by your questions and by your curiosity.
Class Times: | MW 12-1:15 PM Eastern Time | |
Classroom: | Bloomberg 259 (on the campus map) | Note: Class on October 9th will be held in Bloomberg 337 |
Prof. Tyrel M. McQueen | |
Zoom Office: Login to view details. |
Office: New Chemistry Building #312 and Bloomberg #301 |
Office Hours: By appointment or just stopping by ("open door policy") |
This course is graded S/U, but note that to get an S you must complete all assigned work and participate in all class meetings.
We will meet individually several times during the semester to get to know each other and provide individual feedback. Sign ups will be available the start of the semester. Sign up for one slot in each colored region at
"None" (but the supplementary resources will be of value)
Week 1: | Big Picture, Frozen | [Frozen, 1-on-1s (6 of 12)] |
Week 2: | Star Trek: 3 Vignettes | [Star Trek, 1-on-1s (6 of 12)] |
Week 3: | A Deeper Look at Time Travel: Paradoxes | [Back to the Future] |
Week 4: | From Time to Space Travel | [Interstellar] |
Week 5: | Does Quantum Save Us? | [Enders Game] |
Week 6: | Surviving in Space | [The Record of a Space Born Few] |
Week 7: | Surviving Elsewhere in the Solar System | [Martian] |
Week 8: | The History and Future of AI and ML (Special Projects) | [ImageNets, LLMs, History Handouts] |
Week 9: | Limits on Synthetic Life and Lifeforms | [Terminator] |
Week 10: | Lifeforms to Communication | [Arrival] |
Week 11: | Human Mutants to Brains (Guest Lecture on Wednesday, November 8th by Prof. Fried) | [See Materials Below] |
Week 12: | Human Brains and Enhancement | [Harry Potter] |
Week 13: | Tech Enhancement | [Dr. Who, Arrow] |
Week 14: | Good, Bad, Ugly Materials in Sci-Fi and Fantasy | [Snippets Below] |
Reading Period: | [One-on-Ones] |
These will be posted as needed.
These will be posted as mentioned in the class.
The nature of this course is such that there are no lecture notes. Please come and attend to get the full experience!
Joining the course late is generally accommodateable. Reach out if this applies to you!