McQueen Lab |
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Quantum Materials Research Group |
Course Webpage:
Last Updated: December 9th, 2024
Advances in measurement techniques and simulations have driven an explosion in the variety, quality, and quantity of data collected when investigating chemical and materials processes. Advances in computing have led to the practicality of machine learning (ML) and related analytical methods to explore and extract meaning from this cornucopia of data, and data science has been called the fourth pillar of the scientific method. This course will provide an introduction to modern tools of data science, including the Python programming language, Jupyter notebooks, ML algorithms and their practical implementation, and high performance computing, with specific emphasis on applying these tools to data of chemical relevance, including UV/Vis, IR and NMR spectra, 3-D micro computed tomography and hyperspectral imaging, and physical property measurements. Use of data flow languages such as LabView will also be included. Key aspects of data organization and curation will also be covered.
Class Times: | TTh 12-1:15 PM Eastern Time |
Classroom: | Remsen 300 |
Prof. Tyrel M. McQueen | |
Zoom Office: Login to view details. |
Office: New Chemistry Building #312 and Bloomberg #301 |
Office Hours: by appointment or just stopping by ("open door policy") |
To Be Named |
Grading: 60% Homework, 5% Class Participation, 15% midterm, 20% final exam project
Lowest homework score will be dropped.
"None" (but the supplementary resources will be of value)
Week 1: | The Big Picture, Introduction/Review of Basic Python/Progamming/Data Structures | [Thursday in Remsen 140] |
Week 2: | Introduction/Review Continued, Introduction to AI/ML Methods | [TBD] |
Week 3: | Sample Application of TensorFlow to Lego Sorting | [TBD] |
Week 4: | Finding useful niches for AI/ML tools | [TBD] |
Week 5: | Numerical Solutions of Classic Chemical Kinetics Models | [TBD] |
Week 6: | Chemical Kinetics Continued, Intro to Peak Fitting | [TBD] |
Week 7: | Manual and Automated Peak Fitting (e.g. for UV/Vis) | [Takehome Midterm] |
Week 8: | Data Organization, Storage, and Curation, Fall Break Day | [TBD] |
Week 9: | Interfacing with Hardware | [TBD] |
Week 10: | Strategies for Automating "Unautomatable" Tools and Eliding Proprietary Data Formats (e.g. for IR/NMR) | [TBD] |
Week 11: | The Science of Color and Effective Data Visualization (e.g. 3D micro-CT, Hyperspectral) | [TBD] |
Week 12: | Bug Hunting and Validation | [TBD] |
Week 13: | Introduction to Supercomputing and Advanced Topics | [TBD] |
Thanksgiving Break | ||
Week 14: | Independent Projects | [TBD] |
Final | Friday, December 13th, 2-5 PM | [TBD] |
These will be posted approximately weekly.
These will be posted weekly.
These will be posted as needed.
These will be posted as mentioned in the class.
As a matter of course policy, lecture notes are not available online. You are welcome to stop by TMM's office to view them anytime.
As described in the first day of class, use of web resources is not only permitted, but might even be encouraged. However, you MUST include URL links to all resources used as part of your inline code documentation. Remember just because it is the top web search result doesn't mean it is correct...
As described in the first day of class, use of such assistive technologies is not only permitted, but might even be encouraged. However, you MUST include all verbatim QUERIES and OUTPUTS from the use of such tools along with your transmutation of the outputs to functional and understandable solutions. You might find this paper of interest: ChatGPT is bullshit
Graduate students are allowed to audit the course. It is required that you attend most of the lectures, and strongly recommended that you look at and complete the homework assignments.