Sample Tracking and Data Management
Version: 1.1.1

Instrumentation in the laboratory is being moved to a more automated data ingestion and processing system, with corresponding sample tracking. In order for this new system to function as designed, samples must be named with a universal scheme. The uniform format for a new sample is:


you *MUST* then use this sample ID as the base filename for all electronic files generated about that material. You can arbitrarily add additional items to the filename, but only *AFTER* the sample id.

AAA Lab Identifier:
MLMcQueen Laboratory
IQMInstitute for Quantum Matter
BBB Synthesis tool identifier. This is an organic list that evolves over time, and defines the furnace or equipment used to carry out the reaction. For named furnaces/ovens, this is the name of the furnace/oven without spaces (e.g. GobletOfFire or ThinMan). Other synthesis tools currently on the list:
IDF1PARADIM Induction Furnace
LDFZPARADIM Laser Diode Floating Zone Furnace
HPFZPARADIM High Pressure Floating Zone Furnace
XEN1IQM Xenon FZ Furnace
HALOIQM Halogen FZ Furnace
ELEC1Electrometer 1
If you use something that is not named and not listed above, let me know and we will either name it or add it to the codes list. Yes, computations (when not associated with existing samples) also get their own identifiers. So too does instrument data when not associated with a specific sample (e.g. a calibration or an addenda measurement).
YYYYMMDD Year, month, day in numerical format, e.g. 20190226 is February 26th, 2019. Note: an older version of this schema used DDMMYYYY; these older formats can be unambiguously identified as when interpreted in the current format will have a month of 19 or 20. This change was made in response to the observation that MM and DD were sometimes transposed.
C Alphanumeric identifier indicating which sample it is within a given group, tool and day tuple. It runs 1-9, then A-Z. So the 1st sample is "1", the second sample is "2", and the 11th is "B". Should you do more than 35 samples in a single day on a given group, tool, and day tuple, ask me (this is unlikely).
III Provenance identifier. If AAA is ML or IQM, this is your initials (e.g. I would use TMM). If AAA is PDC, this is the proposal number.
S Identifies which portion of a split sample, is left out in the case the sample is not split (set as 0 in the database). One common operation is to "split" a sample into multiple pieces, at some point, e.g. after an FZ growth, and then process them separately. These new derivative samples inherit the original sample ID, but have an "_S" included to indicate which "piece" of the original sample it came from (where S has the same format as C above).

A related operation is non-destructive analysis of a piece of the whole sample *without* actually splitting the sample (e.g. Laue along the length of the rod). In this latter case, "_NDS" is instead appended (the first literal characters are "_ND", followed by S as defined above).

For both the sample splitting and non-destructive position sensitive analysis, I *highly* encourage you to collect photographs that you annotate with the precise positions of the splits/partial analysis. The online platform we are moving to will let you include this along with all automatically ingested data, and this is going to benefit you =).
(QQQQQQQQQQ) "Short" ID of prior sample from which this one is derived. If not derived from a prior sample, this is left off. If derived from more than one prior sample, each "short" ID is appended serially. Assuming the individual is the same for both, the short ID is of the form "BBB_YYYYMMDD_C" + an additional "_S" if it is one part of a split sample. If the prior sample is from a different individual, the short ID is of the form "BBB_YYYYMMDD_C_III" (with the III of the *prior sample* person) + an additional "_S" if a split sample. If the lab identifier is also different, then it should be included as well, i.e. "AAA_BBB_YYYYMMDD_C" (with "_III" and "_S" appended as appropriate). Some examples are given below.
EE Extra information. What information is included here is entirely up to you. And it can be left off entirely. The only requirement is that it start with a "-"

Some examples are given here.

Sample ID Meaning
ML_Kilgore_20190223_1_TMMFirst sample by me, put in the furnace Kilgore on February 23rd.
PDC_LDFZ_20190225_2_123Second sample done in the LDFZ furnace on February 25th for PARADIM proposal 123.
ML_HALO_20190126_1_VJS_(ThinMan_20190124_2)First sample by veronica in the Halogen floating zone on January 26th, 2019. Derived from prior sample ML_ThinMan_20190124_2_VJS from Veronica.
ML_Challenger_20190130_3_LP_(Kilgore_20190123_2_TMM)_(Frank_20190123_1_1)Third sample by Lisa in Challenger on January 30th, 2019. Derived from a mixture of prior samples ML_Kilgore_20190123_2_TMM and the first part of ML_Frank_20190123_1_LP
ML_XEN1_20190202_1_LP_(Challenger_20190130_3)First sample by Lisa in the Xenon FZ on February 2, 2019. Derived from prior sample ML_Challenger_20190130_3_LP (which itself is derived from other prior samples, see previous entry, but that is not listed here).
IQM_XEN1_20190220_1_AG_2Second piece of the first sample prepared by Ali in the Xenon FZ on 02/20/2019.
PDC_HPFZ_20190220_1_WAP_4_(FatMan_20180218_2_2)Fourth piece of the first sample prepared by Adam in the HP-FZ on 02/20/2019. Derived from the 2nd piece of the 2nd sample prepared in FatMan on 02/18/2018.
ML_LDFZ_20190220_2_TBe_ND4Fourth position of Laue of the second sample prepared by Tanya in the LD-FZ on 02/20/2019.
PDC_LDFZ_20190220_3_MS_NDZ35th position of Laue of the third sample prepared by Mekhola in the LD-FZ on 02/20/2019.
ML_MARCC_20190225_3_JCDirectory name for computational files associated with the third computed sample by Juan started on MARCC on February 25th, 2019.

IQM_XEN1_20190220_1_AG_2-15min.rawA 15-min x-ray scan of sample IQM_XEN1_20022019_1_AG_2.
PDC_HPFZ_20190220_1_WAP_4_(FatMan_20180218_2_2)-MT1T.datPPMS data from sample PDC_HPFZ_20190220_1_WAP_4_(FatMan_20180218_2_2) (presumably a M(T) @ 1T, but the naming scheme after the sample ID is entirely up to you).
ML_LDFZ_20190220_2_TBe_ND4.hs3Laue image of the 4th position of the second sample prepared by Tanya in the LD-FZ on 02/20/2019.

What if something is named incorrectly?

Inevitably, sometimes a mistake will be made in sample naming. You should correct the mistake as soon as you notice it and use the corrected form for all future lables. However, you do *not* need to go back and rename older items -- our online platform will recognize name similarities, and those that appear to be misnamed, and allow you to link the old, improper name with the new, corrected one.