McQueen Lab |
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Quantum Materials Research Group |
Course Webpage:
Last Updated: May 11, 2014
An introduction to the synthesis, structure, and reactivity of materials and inorganic compounds. Modern approaches to chemical bonding, including molecular orbital, ligand field, and crystal field theories, will be applied to understanding the physical and chemical properties of inorganic materials. Other topics to be discussed include magnetic properties, electronic spectra, magnetic resonance spectra, and reaction kinetics. The integrated laboratory will cover synthetic, measurement, and calculation methods of inorganic chemistry, and include hands-on exposure to state of the art materials research.
The material to be covered spans most chapters of the chosen text, with selected material from other resources as appropriate.
Class Times: | MWF 9:00-9:50 AM | |
Lab Times: | M, T, or Th 1:30-5:00 PM | |
Classrooms: | Monday/Wednesday/Friday | Bloomberg 478 (building 10 on the campus map) |
Exams | Remsen 101 (building 36 on the campus map) | |
Labs | UTL G82/G84 (building 68 on the campus map) |
Prof. Tyrel M. McQueen | |
Office: New Chemistry Building #312 and Bloomberg #301 |
Office Hours: Tuesday, Noon to 1 PM or just stopping by ("open door policy") |
TA Office Hours: Mondays, 7-8 PM, UTL G89 |
On exam weeks, additional review sessions will be held on Wednesday, 7-8 PM, and Thursday, 3:30-4:30 PM |
Lab Day | TEACHING ASSISTANTS | Location to turn Write Ups In |
Monday | Thomas Pangia ( | Gray Box in NCB 105 (building 14 on the campus map) |
Kathryn Arpino ( and Benjamin Trump ( | ||
Tuesday | Timothy Barr ( | Gray Box in NCB 105 (building 14 on the campus map) |
Patrick Rogler ( | ||
Thursday | Brian DiMarco ( | Gray Box in NCB 105 (building 14 on the campus map) |
Jan Paulo Zaragoza ( |
Point Distribution: 5% Watching Pre Lectures, 5% Pre Lecture Quizzes, 5% Class Participation, 25% Laboratory, 20% Laboratory Writeups/Problem Sets, 10% each of two hour exams, 20% final exam
Late Assignments: Problem sets will be marked off 50% for each day late. Late Pre Lectures receive zero credit.
Final grades will be assigned by looking at class averages, medians, and large point gaps between students. However, the following table indicates minimum grades awarded for a given percentage of points earned:
Percentage | Minimum Grade |
85% | A- |
75% | B- |
65% | C- |
Above is the final distribution of scores for Spring 2014. The letter grade distribution was: 35% A+/A/A-, 60% B+/B/B-, and 5% lower than B-.
Regrade Policy: If you believe that a mistake was made in grading your exam, you may submit a regrade request. A regrade request should be a clean sheet of paper with a short description of what was done wrong paperclipped to the front of your exam. TMM reserves the right to inspect the exam for other grading errors if you submit a regrade request. All regrade requests are due by the dates that will be posted here. Submission of a formal regrade request is required to have your exam score changed, but TMM is of course available to discuss any issues or problems you have.
Excused Exams: If you are appropriately excused from an exam (see above), your class rank on each of the exams you took will be determined, and the average of this rank will be calculated. For the exam you missed, the numerical grade for the student of this rank will be entered.
Your in-laboratory grade will be determined by the quality of your notes and observations as written down in your laboratory notebook. Laboratory notebooks are primary documentation and cannot be taken out of the laboratory, and instead will be turned into your TA at the conclusion of each laboratory period. You will be able to take the carbon copy of your notes in order to complete the associated problem sets / write ups.
The Care and Feeding of Your Lab Notebook (Lab Book Grading Sheet)
Lab Writeup Gradesheet (Example Writeup)
There are two kinds of homework assignments. Pre Lectures are short video lectures followed by an online quiz that are required to be completed by midnight prior to every class period. Problem Sets are associated with the laboratory experiments that you carry out and are due by 9 AM the following week (on the same day as your scheduled lab). If you have lab on Mondays, the questions from one lab are due by 9 AM the following Monday. If you have lab on Tuesdays, the questions from one lab are due by 9 AM the following Tuesday. If you have lab on Thursdays, the questions from one lab are due by 9 AM the following Thursday. Problem Sets are graded in the usual way, i.e. a number on a scale of 0 to 10. Pre Lectures are graded on an all-or-nothing (0 or 10 points) basis (for the purposes of grading any "passing" score on the Pre Lecture quiz will be awarded a full 10 points). If you do not pass the Pre Lecture quiz on the first attempt, you have an opportunity to watch a second (different) video lecture and have a second attempt at the problem(s), but only if the second attempt is also made before the deadline.
DUE: Friday, May 2, 2014 at 11:59:59 PM
Your independent project laboratory report is due on the day given above. Reports will be accepted with no late penalty up to the beginning of the final exam (see date and time below). Reports turned in after the beginning of the final exam period will receive no credit.
Pre Lectures and Problem Sets will be posted here as they are required for class. Pre Lectures will be posted no later than 5 PM on the date of the previous class (so a Wednesday prelecture link will appear here by 5 PM on Monday), but will sometimes be posted earlier. Lab handouts will typically be posted by 5 PM Friday of the previous week.
Class Week | Topic | Laboratory | |
Week 1 (1/27-1/31): | Solid State Structures (1.5 lectures), Coordination Chemistry: Structures (1.5 lectures) | [GER Ch. 7, GER Ch. 2] | Safety and the Art of Measurement |
Week 2 (2/3-2/7): | Coordination Chemistry: Structures and Isomers (1 lecture), Crystal Fields and Spectrochemical Series (2 lectures) | [GER Ch. 3, GER Ch. 4] | Spectrochemistry Lab |
Week 3 (2/10-2/14): | Symmetry as an Organizing Principle (1 lecture), Effective Presentation of Scientific Data (1 lecture), HOUR EXAM 1 | [GER Ch. 4, M&T Ch. 4, TMMHO] | No Lab (exam Friday) |
Week 4 (2/17-2/21): | RESCHEDULED HOUR EXAM 1, Symmetry Continued: Point groups (2 lectures) | [GET Ch. 4, M&T Ch. 4] | Symmetry Lab |
Week 5 (2/24-2/28): | Symmetry Continued: Point Groups (2 lectures), Beyond CFT: MO Theory (1 lecture) | [M&T Ch. 5] | Quantum Dots Lab |
Week 6 (3/3-3/7): | Beyond CFT: MO Theory (1.5 lectures), From MO Theory to Spectroscopy (1.5 lectures) | [M&T Ch. 11] | Kinetics Lab |
Week 7 (3/10-3/14): | Spectroscopy to Reaction Mechanisms | [GER Ch. 5] | Solid State Synthesis Lab |
Spring Break Week (3/17-3/21) | |||
Week 8 (3/24-3/28): | Donor-Acceptor Chemistry | [GER Ch. 6, M&T Ch. 6] | MOF Lab |
Week 9 (3/31-4/4): | Inorganic Complex Reactivity (2 lectures), HOUR EXAM 2 | [M&T Ch. 12] | No Lab (exam Friday) |
Week 10 (4/7-4/11): | Effective Literature Searching (1 lecture), From Inorganic Complex Reactivity (1 lecture) to Electrochemistry (1 lecture) | [A&J Ch. 14] | Redox/Electrochemistry Lab |
Week 11 (4/14-4/18): | Electrochemistry (1 lecture) to Products and Magnetism (2 lectures) | [TMMHO] | Magnetic Properties Lab |
Week 12 (4/21-4/25): | Inorganic and Solid State Reactivity | [TMMHO] | Independent Project 1 |
Week 13 (4/28-5/2): | Bringing It All Together: Symmetry, Group Theory for Catalysis and Energy Conversion | [TMMHO] | Independent Project Continued |
Saturday, May 10th | Final Exam (scheduled by registrar) | 9 AM - Noon |
These will be posted here as mentioned in the class.
As a matter of course policy, lecture notes are not available online. You are welcome to stop by TMM's office to view them anytime.
This course is not open for auditing.
You may add this course after the start of the semester. You must, however, contact TMM directly to make arrangements to make up any important work you may have missed.
If you are a student with a disability or believe you might have a disability that requires accommodations, please contact Dr. Brent Mosser in Student Disability Services, 385 Garland, (410)516-4720,
The strength of the university depends on academic and personal integrity. In this course, you must be honest and truthful. You may collaborate with other students in this course, but you must acknowledge this collaboration. Furthermore, you should collaborate with others rather than simply copying the ideas or solutions of others. Ethical violations include cheating on exams, plagiarism, reuse of assignments, improper use of the internet and electronic devices, unauthorized collaboration, alteration of graded assignments, forgery and falsification, lying, and facilitating academic dishonesty. For more information, see the guide on "Academic Ethics for Undergraduates" and the Ethics Board web site (